29 September 2009

if this fridge could talk

the last issue of Orion magazine featured photographer Mark Menjivar. one of his recent projects titled, You Are What You Eat 'is a series of portraits made by examining the interiors of refrigerators in homes across the United States'. it was fascinating to see how people stocked (or didn't stock) their fridge and even more fascinating how much it said about those people.

here's another quote form the artist's statement and a few images (you'll want to click on each image so you can see it bigger and read the captions):

A refrigerator is both a private and a shared space. One person likened the question, "May I photograph the interior of your fridge?" to asking someone to pose nude for the camera. Each fridge is photographed "as is." Nothing added, nothing taken away.

These are portraits of the rich and the poor. Vegetarians, Republicans, members of the NRA, those left out, the under appreciated, former soldiers in Hitler’s SS, dreamers, and so much more. We never know the full story of one's life.

and here is my fridge - as is...

Stay At Home Mom/Artist | Reno, NV | 4-Person Household | feels like a kid in a candy store shopping at grocery stores in Reno compared to those in Sanpete County (and is making cheesecake for Friday)

so i'd like to encourage you all to do the same. send me your image (kelbelbrooksatgmaildotcom) and i'll post it or if you'd like to post it on your blog, please leave a comment letting me know you did so i can link to it. i'd like to see more.

and here are some more...

and some links to more:
boiled pizza's


Katie Elaine said...

This is great. I'll be doing one soon. (http://sharpandkeen.wordpress.com)

linny said...

I saw that article a couple of weeks ago and yes the photos were very "revealing".

jo said...

I really love this.

Wouldn't it have been cool to have a photo of our refrigerator circa 1985?

Thanks for posting.

Josette said...

why so many eggs?

Kaerlig said...

I posted mine...I really would like to know what it says about us.

ash said...

To post my photo within the week and link it back to this post. Very neat idea.

Stacey said...

Kell, this is so interesting. Thanks for sharing this. You literally are what you eat. Can I clean out my refrigerator before I take a picture? haha

kel said...

josette - lots of eggs because Trader Joe's has thee best deal on organic cage free eggs and it's not super close so i stock up. plus, we make German pancakes quite often. in case you're still wondering.