so what do you do when you find out that your computer has crashed? (and the hard drive is inaccessible. gone.) and you get the news that the price of the repair on your car is more than what the car is worth? all in one day?
a. laugh out loud.
b. feel that sudden pang of loss and get disoriented walking away from the "Genius Bar" at the Apple store (they were very nice and helpful despite the end result).
c. curse the car.
d. feel that punch to the kidney from the price of a new computer + software, yes.
e. sulk.
f. go over your options again and again.
g. all of the above
answer: g
yeah. so we lost all of our photos. i'm tellin' ya, i saw it coming. fortunately i've been printing off the last five years of our digital library since January. i had one last batch (March 09 - December 09) that didn't make it. luckily i do have some of those on Picasa. but our little videos... gone. like i said, pang of loss. okay, i'm starting to get a little sad so i'll move on.
we're trying to keep in in perspective though because, well, there is still a lot of good stuff going on. heck, it's summer! we did have a lot of our stuff on an external hard drive. our new computer is really slick and we have a mega-external hard drive to back everything up now. the F-150 is still running so we're not stranded (although English usually ends up being the thing-in-the-back. thanks, love). we went camping up at beautiful Eagle Lake the day after the aforementioned, double-whammy day, which kept us from getting stuck in a funk. and the inflatable pool is out for its second summer. who doesn't like to swim in a pool with colorful fishes? sign me up for the season pass... it's free!

Those are major hits. So glad you have most of your pictures!
Good luck with the truck.
Happy summer!
You guys have a great plan for not getting stuck in a funk...go camping! Way to keep a good attitude. Cheers to English for thing-in-the-back. And I am liking that inflatable pool. I think Tom and Oliver have the same swimmin' suit.
Aw Kel! Im so sorry! You are so wonderful to keep such a great perspective.
the road is:
a. clear
b. not clear
c. pizza
So sorry to hear about the crash-ola and the car malfunctioning, but I'm with ash. Camping never fails to fill the a though g void.
way to to on printing out most of your photos. you're an example to us all.
I'm so glad you followed that feeling you had a few months ago and printed your pictures when you did. Think if you had waited! You wouldn't have been so far along in your printing and it would have been more of a loss. Sorry about your car and computer! AAAHHHHH! You really do have a good attitude about it Kel.
Oh I am soooo sorry! That is my biggest fear so I constantly force Trav to burn our pictures to dvd's... He loves it! Well whenever your car breaks down you are more than welcome to come and steal our hundred year old van that I lovingly refer to as the "blue bomber"
English is a natural "thing-in-the-back". He was born for it really...
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