31 October 2006

Happy Halloween at 18 weeks

second year in a row winning best overall at the pumpkin carving contest & wassail party. i can't help but feel proud.

we'll let you know if it's a boy or a girl next week.


zlb said...

oh man that is totally awesome kel. And definently a little freaky, maybe you've been reading enough of those prego books to get comfortable with those in utero renderings, but I'll admit still 'cweep me out'. Happy halloween! (ps. I am a cirrus cloud, I don't think anyone gets it).

kel said...

are you calling my baby cweepy? well, it is Halloween you know.

i've got to see this cirrus cloud. i'm a cloud expert.

Anonymous said...

Awesome, Kel! Did you see the post on my blog about The Great Jack O' Lantern Blaze?

That (and the one from last year) is the coolest carved pumpkin I've ever seen.

We can't wait to hear if it's pink or blue.

zlb said...

I'm not saying YOUR baby is cweepy, its just picutures of babies in wombs that kind of make me feel nervous. I had a dream last night however that you posted on your blog a really pink frilly announcement. . .so if my prophetic streak with this little one so far are right. . . there might just be an Adah Brooks coming our way!
And the cirrus cloud, I'll post pics.

jo said...

Seriously folks, they win every year. That's not to say that I'm jealous, though. At least I get to claim relation. And I'm pretty darn proud of that.

T.R. said...

I can't wait until babies can be grown in pumpkins.

Anonymous said...

As the founder and an thrower of the annual Pumpkin Carving contest, I can say that the Johnson family never ceases to amaze me with their pumpkin creativity. As a mother of 4, who has attended many an ultrasound, even I was a little creeped out by the pumpkin. You could almost see the little heart beating in the pumpkin it was so realistic.

english said...

ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny

right on!

Anonymous said...

KELLY! Best pumpkin ever! That is crazy cool. I'm so serious.

I DID do the skeleton costume with skeleton fetus and it totally got great attention.

Hooray for finding out in a few days!