30 March 2006

applied statistics

last night i had one of those dreams where i was in a college class that i had pretty much forgotten i was taking. as i walked down the hall trying to remember exactly where the classroom was i realized that i had only been to the class one other time the entire semester. once i got situated and the class started the frustration and disappointment escalated. i had absolutely no idea what was going on and i literally did not understand what the teacher was saying. all of his gab about statistics came out as feeber-lee gehks and skaffity crumbs and it was a completely different level of confusion. to make matters worse my four best friends were in the class and all i wanted to do was talk to them. who gives a rip about statistics when your best friends are sitting right next to you? i kept thinking, i've got to drop this class... there's no way i'm going to pass... i have no idea what's going on... what is that guy saying?... are those picture books? and that's when the classroom turned into my elementary school - carpeted walls and everything - but old professor comb-over was still droning along with his nabbery libs and so forth. ahhh! this sucks. when is recess? i need to talk to my friends! i have to drop this class! i hope they let me... i thought i already took statistics.

and that was it.

i love dreams! how great is that? i mean the whole professor thing, the confusion, the carpeted walls, recess... wonderful! you'd think that by this time those kinds of dreams would have subsided. but on the contrary - and to my enjoyment - i believe they will be floating in the dream pool for as long as i live (right by the ones where i show up to church in only my underwear so i try to make a dress out of the coats i find in the coat room and i really need some masking tape).


jo said...

this is really quite hilarious. I remember mom and dad sharing very similar dreams (minus the carpeted walls. remember the kiva?) I wonder what it could all mean? maybe you and school have some unfinished business, eh? maybe you and the carpeted walls need to find some closure. maybe it just means that we all need recess, even when we're old. That would be cool...

"I call the four-square court!" If I had recess today, that's what i'd play.

kel said...

yes... recess for all and four square for all! not to brag or anything but i kicked butt at four square. i had this punching technique that really got those big red balls moving - virtually imposible to return.

Anonymous said...

Kelly, I don't like that dream because for me it is too close to reality. That dream has been my living hell this semester every M/W from 4-7 pm. I go into a small cramped classroom that has too many desk chairs and listen in horror as Dr. "P.J" (yes that really is his given first name) Fields (or as I like to call him "Double Bling" b/c he wears a big sparkly blue coug class ring on not just one, but yes, both hands) excitedly exclaims "Ladies and gentlemen, how can I best help you tonight" and every class I almost stand up and say please just give us free time. But I don't, and so he goes on and on saying words (I'm pretty sure they are real words) that make about zero sense to me. And I don't have four best friends in the class. And I can't drop it.

Anonymous said...

Zis obviously means zat you ahre hiding somesing.

Greedy Kristian said...

Pure awesomeness. Do tell more about the coat dress...I have never had one of these dreams, but now that I know about them, I pray that I have one one day....

p.s. There is plenty of masking tape in the library...but it comes on a popsicle stick.

Anonymous said...

Ah, the Kiva! How safe I felt in the carpeted walls of the kiva. With the big fat steps...good times.