11 February 2009

test drive

Ash tried out the cradle for baby brother. she wanted to make sure it passed the comfy test along with scores of quality assurance tests to determine if we're in compliance. she says it's good to go (which comes as no surprise since G'pa Kent made it). that settles it baby brother... we're ready when you are.


Sblogger said...

That's so cool that your dad made the crib Kel. Handy man! You Johnsons are pretty talented people. With Johnson and Brooks genes, this baby will be amazing (just like Ash). Glad it's good to go.

jo said...

Thank you to Ash. I feel more comfortable knowing that she has given this crib not only a "pass" but also her stamp of approval. If there is anyone that knows what's best for her little brother, it is she.

ash said...

That does look comfy. I especially like the elbows behind the head check. There needs to be enough room to put your elbows behind your head in a crib, ya know? Baby brother will be comfy for sure.

Todd said...

Congrats Kel and English! I'm so glad the delivery went well and you guys are feeling good about the process enjoying your new baby. Bellz is excited to come down!