25 April 2006


i just finished reading a book that is worth mentioning here. it's called The Complete Maus and it's a graphic novel; meaning it's told with pictures or, more specifically, comic strips. however, the story is not the typical light-hearted material that is usually told through cartoons. it's about WWII and the Holocaust and it's pretty incredible. the idea alone is very intriguing and in some ways a bit shocking (portraying the horrors of the Holocaust through the same medium as Calvin & Hobbes?). but Art Spiegelman, the author and son of an Auschwitz survivor, creates a brand new way to experience a story we've heard several times before and does so with a reverence that is atypical of the cartoon genre.

so before this starts to sound too much like an unsolicited customer review on amazon.com i'll stop and simply say: i liked it - you might too.


Mumsy said...

I'll have to tell Fred about this. He would totally be interested. Nevermind. He was reading this over my shoulder and said he's read it. Part 1 and Part 2. He says it is also interesting. I would like to read it though.

jo said...

wouldn't this be an awesome book club book? Maybe the older I get the more I like the idea of book clubs. maybe that just means I'm getting old, or maybe book clubs really are getting better.

Think on the book club idea.