25 January 2006

eggs, toast and grape juice = brain food

i remember getting ready to take the ACT in 11th grade. i attended the after-school classes, took the practice tests, even reviewed a book written entirely on taking the ACT. but the most important thing i did to prepare was eat breakfast the morning i headed for that random, pastey-walled classroom. yeah, that's right. i had a delicious breakfast of eggs, toast, and grape juice. now, those of you who know about nutrition will see right away that i had my bases covered: eggs for protein (one of thee most important components), toast for carbohydrates (some of us will not be fooled by fads and marketing), and grape juice (which provides the sugars that are most like the ones naturally found in our body). i was destined to succeed. and i did quite well on the ACT, thank you for asking.

so why do i reflect on a moment so long ago?

this morning, the students in my 8:30 Intro to the Visual Arts class were nothing more than slugs in their seats. one student even tried to look engaged by holding his pen in an upright, writing position. but when you sit on the second row and your head is bobbing, no bit of note-taking trickery is going to fool even the most aloof teacher. now let me interject here that the discussion today was on the wonderful world of texture and the masterful illusion space - and yes, i do make it that interesting! this ain't no run-of-the-mill PowerPoint presentation. so getting very little to no response this morning was a major frustration... and quite a let down if you must know the truth. after some inquiry i found out that my students, for the most part, had all skipped breakfast... they hadn't eaten a single morsel before stumbling through the door. yes, it's true! even after all the effort that was put into the 'Breakfast Is The Most Important Meal Of The Day' campaign. what more can we do? we only want to build a stronger future, one complete breakfast at a time.

moral of the story: eat breakfast, you numbskulls!


jo said...

you should get a giant jug o' grape juice and make them drink it. or... just throw it on their faces when they fall asleep.


you could call it art...

kel said...

brilliant! i like the way you think.

T.R. said...

if not for breakfast, i would never even bother getting out of bed.

T.R. said...

chicken breakfasts?

jo said...

ham based breakfasts?

kel said...

wow! you must also be in the program... i got my degree in breakfasts, with an emphasis in meat breakfatsts. no wonder i was so appaled - for so many reasons - when Burger King came out with the 'meatnormous' breakfast sandwich.