25 June 2011


when i was a kid there were a few times my mom made us wait until it was 100° outside before we could put on our swimming suits and fill up the mini pool (or run through the sprinklers or get out the slip n' slide). it was most likely a tactic she used to keep us from making a big mess or save herself from dealing with the whole shenanigan but i remember thinking that while it was frustrating, it was legit. this was back when you would "call the temperature," as we would say. yeah, you would dial a 7-digit phone number (from your yellow phone in the kitchen) and get a recorded voice saying, "the temperature is, ninety-seven degrees." we would call over and over getting more and more antsy as the temperature slowly crept higher. the anticipation was excruciating. let's call again! then finally... "the temperature is, one-hundred degrees." wah-hooooo!

here in Reno, after a rather drawn out cold and rainy spring, we've been long awaiting summer. but it's arrived and it's splendid. here's proof:

Tom's improvised bib will soon be all the rage in toddler fashion. keep your eyes peeled.

this week it hit 90° and the inflatable fish pool once again took its place in the back yard. so, keeping in the spirit of things, we check the temp on the computer and when it's 90° (or close enough - i can handle these two small kiddos) we throw on our suits and head for the fishy pool. we'll save the 100-degree days for chillin' at the Truckee river.


ash said...

Ahh, yes, dial-a-temp. This is a great story and one that I had forgotten about as a kid. Summer looks grand at your place, and you can't go wrong with that kiddie pool. Cute kidlets indeed!

jo said...

Such good memories.
That delicious iced cream looks like it's hitting the spot.
Remember when we'd take boiling hot rides in the boiling hot car letting the boiling hot air blow over our faces? That must have been Mom's solution once we'd outgrown the kiddie pool.

Heather said...

Kelly, your kids are so cute! And the bib is a great idea. I totally remember calling the temperature phone number. Those were the days.

Sblogger said...

I remember calling the temperature so well! I kinda wish you still could just for fun. It's great that is finally summer, isn't it? Love it. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.