02 December 2009

shall the youth of Zion falter?


this handout was in a stack of handouts i got at our auxiliary leadership meeting last month. it's awesome. any questions i had about being the new YW president have been answered. i feel confident and collected and kind of like Fashion Plates.

and here are some more great qualities...

now, a call for entries: more qualities of this great leader.


Jennifer said...

I'm sorry, but has your ward updated any of it's resources!?

You will make a fabulous YW President, by the way!

Katie Elaine said...

oh my awesome.

jefferies said...

SO funny!!!

ash said...

Double-breasted coat means business.

Ahh, Fashion Plates. Those were pretty awesome. Plus, their feet actually looked like they were in the right perspective.

ash said...

sorry, I have to comment on one more thing...those feet kinda look like Chawick's of Boston. Don't you think?

The KGB Family said...

That is so totally you! How did they know? :)

Kaerlig said...

Fashion plates- how did I totally forget about those?

Kelly, you totally have the hair for your calling- thick and luscious.

Kaerlig said...


just had to say it again

zlb said...

Pearls to Breakfast is a definite quality of these leader, and of you Kel. congrats (?) on the calling. I just got made rsp and everyone keeps saying congratulations like I won a prize or something.
Also, Pleats for Praying is a quality of that leader, one wants an expandable skirt when constantly kneeling and getting up and down. And you better believe that leader is wearing some l'eggs pantyhose that are too dark for her skin tone. duh.

jo said...

Fashion plates! I'm speechless at the perfect comparison.

They forgot to point to her papers and list "inspirational poems at the ready for any occasion".

Sblogger said...

Is this serious or a joke? Looks like you need to update your wardrobe and increase the number of shoulder pads for sure. New Young Women Pres? Wow, Kel. You will be fabulous.

jamesandlindsaylattin said...

Oh man! Kel, I stumbled across this through Ash's blog and can't stop laughing. Now I know what I need, and I mean need, for Christmas - Shoes from Chadwicks and some pleats.