over Christmas break we did some ranch-sitting in Spring City. besides enjoying the house and the views from the house we took care of the cats, dog, horse, mules, chickens and ducks. we also went snow shoeing and ice skating. oh, right and once we were able figure out the remote controls (plural) we watched cable
tv too.
to my delight
VH1 was having an
America's Next Top Model marathon. i won't deny it... i love
Top Model. i love the elimination process. i love the
ridiculous challenges. i love the super model drama. i love the crazy guests/assistants. i love it all! but i
especially love the outrageous photo shoots. this is one 'reality' show that i unabashedly enjoy. i was introduced to the show in 2004 when
Yoanna House was in the running and won (we were on vacation in Port
Antonio and had cable
tv - i remember it well). i was hooked but it was all in vain since at home we don't have a
tv, let alone cable. dry spell of all dry spells! until two weeks ago when i was lucky enough to find it.
well, i watched about six hours total (spread out over a few days). one night i watched it for two hours straight then went to bed. all night my dreams were
Top Model. i played the role of judge, assistant, guest, photographer... there were even a few 'episodes' where i was one of the girls aching to be the America's Next.
it was one of
the worst sleeps
i'd had in a while.
but, like any other addiction i wanted more. i knew my cable
tv days were numbered (you can't ranch-sit forever you know). so i watched more and even bore my testimony of
Top Model when my sister-in-law came to visit. yeah, it's a
conscious decision and a good thing we don't have a