14 November 2005

would you like me to sing for ya?

okay, okay... it's been a while but blame it on the students - not me. last weekend i had a dream that i was teaching the intro to the visual arts class and i was shooting from the hip. i was just making stuff up (including the assignment i gave, which was to memorize a portion of Handel's Messiah to sing to me). half way through giving the assignment i realized that it was a lousy, irrelevant assignment and even more importantly, i really did not want to listen to all these students sing for me. i was frustrated and to make things worse i couldn't remember any of my students' names. the jerks. so cut me some slack.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What? Oh, it's only you.

I think I'd want to hear all of those students sing. How entertaining.

How, blogtastic!

By the way, I love cheese on rye. But BJ doesn't.